
AHF’s 12 Days of Mountains – 11th December

Scroll down for your gift!

Safe birthing, school support, climate change education – these are just some of the ways AHF is working with communities in Nepal, Bhutan and the Indian Himalaya.  Your donation will help us ensure these great programs continue.

Whether you donate $5, $10 or $500, please know you make a difference.

Today’s Gift!


Today, for International Mountain Day, we give you this actually quite difficult Mountains of the World quiz.

Let it be known that your anonymous AHF staffer scored a measly 68% on first try.

There are a couple of different modes and if you are feeling smug, you can move on to capital cities of Asia, provinces of Iran or one of many other tricky tests on this site! Enjoy.

What mountain is this??
Mountains Photograph

Mountain Story of the Day – Neelam*


Neelam’s mother died when she was young. In her remote village in Nepal, school fees, uniforms and text books were out of reach so Neelam’s future was clear – working the farm, and no more education.

“After passing away of my mother … I became helpless. It was difficult to continue further study.’’

Now, AHF pays for school fees, uniforms, books and supplies. Neelam doesn’t have to worry that she’s a financial burden on her family. She enjoys school, and wants to be a biologist when she grows up.

*Name and image changed to protect identities.

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To be in the running for some Himalayan prizes:

Upload your favourite mountain photo and tag us @australianhimalayanfoundation and #12DaysofMountains

Donate to our 12 Days of Mountains fundraising page

Tag a friend who loves the Himalaya – the more people who join in the merrier!

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