
AHF’s 12 Days of Mountains – 18th December

Scroll down for today’s gift!

These are just some of the ways AHF is working with communities in Nepal, Bhutan and the Indian Himalaya.

Your donation will help us ensure these great programs continue.

Donate now! Whether it’s $5, $10 or $500, you are helping to change someone’s future.

Today’s Gift!


Today, AHF is simply gifting you a break. Take 3 minutes out of your busy week to experience the beauty of Bhutan with this beautifully shot video from the Dragon Kingdom.

Gangkhar Puensum, Bhutan. Photo by Heather McNeice

Mountain Story of the Day – COVID in Bhutan

How has your life looked during COVID? Karma Loday told us about the ‘new normal’ she experienced while working for our partner RENEW Bhutan.

‘Everyone is at home and there is [a] daily show of Tom and Jerry, throwing pots and pans to each other,’ she joked. At the RENEW shelter, Karma works with women and children affected by abuse and trauma. She says that women have been impacted in less visible ways during the pandemic. 

AHF continues supporting Bhutanese women and children affected by domestic violence. You can help.

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To be in the running for some Himalayan prizes:

Upload your favourite mountain photo and tag us @australianhimalayanfoundation and #12DaysofMountains

Donate to our 12 Days of Mountains fundraising page

Tag a friend who loves the Himalaya – the more people who join in the merrier!

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