Temporary Learning Centres rise to the occasion after the Bajhang earthquake

A temporary learning centre at the Shree Masta Basic School.

The following story comes from Geeta Thapa, the headmistress of Shree Masta Basic School in the rural municipality of Khaptad Chhanna in Far West Nepal. In October 2023, a 5.3 magnitude earthquake struck the area causing extensive damage to many of the schools. 

Class was disrupted as student safety became increasingly difficult to guarantee with frequent aftershocks threatening to raze classrooms to the ground. With students forced to conduct class outside, Geeta describes the impact of the earthquake and how the assistance of Reed Nepal and AHF allowed students to return to class and resume their education with confidence.

Hello, my name is Geeta Thapa. I am the Principal of Shree Masta Basic School. This school is considered one of the most remote schools in the Khaptad Chhanna Rural Municipality. Many students in this school come from disadvantaged families. There are three teachers, one support staff, and a total of 16 students in this school, which goes up to Grade 3.

Last year, in the month of Ashoj* (October, 2023), a devastating earthquake hit near the district headquarters of Bajhang, causing extensive damage to many schools located in remote areas of the district. As a result of this earthquake, study became extremely difficult for the students. The impact of this earthquake led to damage to our school and with the frequent aftershocks, conducting classes inside the school building became impossible. Students were scared, and studying under the open sky became mandatory. 

After the earthquake, REED Nepal along with the rural municipality, conducted rapid field monitoring and observation of the damaged schools. Based on the detailed reports and assessment of the schools affected by the earthquake, it was considered necessary to establish a Temporary Learning Centre at our school. The construction of two classrooms has ensured a safe learning environment for students, enabling the continuation of regular teaching with various educational materials. 

We have felt so much relief from this emergency project. The design of this Temporary Learning Centre is child-friendly and earthquake-resistant. After the construction of this structure, students feel secure and protected. We have also realized that the quality of learning of the students has increased thanks to training provided by REED Nepal in the classroom.

We are grateful to REED Nepal, the Australian Himalayan Foundation, and the community for their support. We deeply appreciate your continued support in further educational improvements.

*Ashoj is the 6th month of the Nepali Calendar.

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